Advertising generates brand loyalty
Advertising allows for companies to target their customers and form a lasting connection with them. It instills a sense of familiarity and trust within the consumer, ensuring that they remain loyal to your business. Advertisements use images, words, and ideals that target your desired demographic and encourages them to stay devoted to your business.

Advertising increases company traffic 
Many consumers are more likely to visit a business after viewing an advertisement. More consumers mean more sales and more business for you. *A survey of more than 3,000 companies found that advertisers who maintained or expanded advertising over a five-year period saw their sales increase an average of 100 percent, and companies that cut advertising grew at a less than half the rate of those who advertised steadily.

Advertising gives your company a positive image
Advertising tells your consumers and your competitors that you are open and ready for business. Dynamic and positive advertising can entice consumers to your business regardless of the economy and competition.

Advertising attracts new customers 
The market is constantly changing and new consumers are moving in and out of your area. New consumers mean a new target audience that your advertisements will reach. Advertising shows consumers that are new to the market that your business is the top of the line and the one that they want to visit.

Advertising promotes repeat business-
With all of the choices consumers are able to make, many once loyal consumers have strayed from previous businesses in search of other options. Advertising reminds your consumers why they choose your business in the first place and why they should continue to choose you in the future.

Advertising helps your business compete 
There are only so many consumers in the market that are willing to buy your product at any given time. Advertising helps businesses stay ahead of the game while competing with other businesses. Advertising is how you convince the consumer that you are the one they should choose.

Advertising produces continuous business
Not every consumer is going to need your business’s product today, but everyday there will always be a new consumer ready to buy. Advertising makes sure that the consumer knows that when they are in need, your business will be there to help them. A continuous amount of consumers visiting your business is the first step to increase your sales. The more consumers you have, the more business you will have. Advertising creates business now and in the future.

Advertising keeps your business at the top of your consumer’s mind
With so many options available to consumers oftentimes they will want to shop around and compare different products. Advertising ensures that your company is always at the front of a consumer’s mind reminding them why they should choose you.

Advertising keeps your consumer up to date 
When a new product or event is ready to launch, advertising allows your consumer to be informed and aware of the details. Advertising does the work for your consumer, as opposed to forcing your consumer to hunt down the information.

Advertising makes your company money
What it comes down to is Advertising works. Advertising attracts customers to your business and increases your sales. When consumers see strong and positive advertisements they are more willing to buy and ready to choose your business. Invest in advertising for your business and you will watch it grow and succeed.

Advertising platform
You ‍always want your business advertising to be of the highest quality. Because advertising is a part of business success. Now this world is sector of internet, people spend most of their time in online (internet). For shopping or any other information people are now crowded in online. So internet is best platform of Advertising your products.